Driven Steel Pipe Piles
Driven steel pipe piles were selected as the preferred foundation type for the development of a greenfield gas processing facility north of Grande Cache, Alberta. The facility processes included inlet separation, condensate stabilization, inlet compression, shallow-cut refrigeration, sales gas compression, and liquids handling.
Driven steel piles were selected because:
Soft overburden soils over shallow bedrock with a variable depth to bedrock (between 2 and 5m below grade)
Modular process packages are easy to connect to the standard pile caps of driven steel pipe piles.
Modular piperacks can be quickly and easily connected to the piles (reducing field construction time).
Reliable / consistent pile installation depths (with pre-drilling to a set embedment depth)
Contractor familiarity
Abundant supply
Client directive to minimize the use of concrete (due to excessively long delivery times to remote location)